A foodious recipe has four distinct sections:
I've attached a screen capture of the three that I think could benefit from some clarification (1, 2, and 4) and annotated these with some notes (to which I'll refer when describing specific areas in a given section). The notes look like so:
, and
(FWIW: The images over to the right are clickable )
This top section begins with the recipe title and a thumbnail of who owns it, plus a link to their profile.
Next to the
are the social share options (email, facebook, pinterest, and reddit), as well as the ability to like a recipe (which will add it to your favorites list).
Next to the
is the total time to prepare the ingredients and cook the recipe, plus the yields information. Note that the yields slider can be used to adjust the amount of each ingredient in the INGREDIENTS section of the recipe.
Next to the
are the classifiers for the recipe. This describes whether a given recipe is vegan/vegetarian/etc, or contains dairy/gluten/etc. A mouse-over on any in this section will show the specific reasons for the classification (e.g.: if a recipe contains gluten, the mouse-over will indicate which ingredients contain the gluten that's in the recipe).
Next to the
is a link to the profile of the user who owns the recipe[1]. From there you can learn a little about the recipe owner and browse their complete set of recipes.
Next to the
is a recipe customization. This section shows both parents of a recipe (aka: from whom a given recipe was derived) as well as children (aka: recipes that have originated from the one you're currently viewing). These customizations also give some very high-level information about who and why a given customization was made in case the customization is one step closer to what you're looking for.
Next to the
is a button to show more related recipes. The related recipe algorithm is likely too simple and will change over time as foodious accrues more recipes.
Next to the
you'll see normalized ingredient data. This means that each ingredient is composed of an
amount, a
measure, an
ingredient, and any
preparation meta-data.
Next to the
is a red apple. Click this to get a quick view of the nutritional data associated with each ingredient. If an ingredients apple is grey, it's awaiting it's nutritional data (don't worry, it'll turn red soon!). You'll also note you can click an ingredients name to go to its data page (which will show it's classification and nutritional data).
Next to the
you'll see the aforementioned preparation meta-data (if there is any). These are ingredient-specific preparation hints like
"finely chopped", and
"trimmed, halved, and cut lengthwise".
Next to the
you'll see substitutions for a given ingredient. If the substitution was made in another recipe, you'll see a link that recipe so you can see the context in which the substitution was made[2]. There's also a substitution feedback icon for those who feel compelled to provide feedback regarding a given substitution[3].
Next to the
you'll see the nutritional breakdown, by ingredient, for calories, carbohydrates, energy, etc. This chart shows each individual ingredients contribution to that nutrient.
Next to the
you'll see any intermediate conversions that were involved in determining the information in the pie charts. All this means is that a given ingredient had a measurement like "whole" or "bunch" which needed to be converted to a weight or volume to determine it's nutritional contribution. The set of global conversions will apply the recipes by default but in the future, individual users will be able to create their own conversions.
Next to the
you can select individual ingredients and the data in "TOTAL: Essentials" and "TOTAL: Vitamins" will change to show just that individual ingredients nutritional data. Selecting "TOTALS" will show the aggregate nutritional information for all ingredients.
Hopefully, this has answered some questions about what foodious is displaying in terms of recipe data. There's a lot more to explain (e.g.: search, a foodious ingredient, related recipes, nutritional data calculations, etc), so stay tuned!