foodious thanks...
Sat, May 28th
A Quick Thanks Before We Get Too Far

It's often been said that no single person is completely self-made (and therefore no single website is ...), and that is indeed the case here. I'd like to thank a handful of people who helped me with this project both directly (via feedback and such), or indirectly (by providing inspiration, amusement, or both).

Adam Doppelt, for giving me a place to work (over at Dwellable Worldwide HQ), hiring nice people to talk to, and for continually reminding me that i should probably learn Ruby[1][2].
Wendy Quast, for her indefatigable support, site testing, as well as for helping debate the relative merits/utility of any given feature.
Milstead Cafe, for giving me a place to work and the best coffees in Seattle.
The nice folks over at, for their wonderful measurement and conversion insights.
JP Sears, for helping me laugh as i ran a couple hundred google queries of the form "is ingredient X paleo or not?" and then had to invariably sift through several hundred words to get a simple YES or NO answer[4][5]. Every 20 queries or so, i'd watch another video to keep me from taking a header out the nearest window[6].
[1] I don't disagree.
[2] I suspect Adam didn't think it was a good idea for me to spend all of my time at home, [potentially] working on my manifesto .. to which i also don't disagree.
[3] The irony of YSaC is that he kind of sucks at cooking.
[4] A good majority of the time, the answer was "Depends...", followed by a veritable corpus of information examining every possible angle of whether a food should be considered paleo or not. As i quickly found out: the paleo diet is wickedly controversial and has lead to nearly limitless comment threads on the internet debating YES vs. NO for a given food.
[5] E.g.: google "is greek yogurt paleo?" and you'll see: "However, the paleo community is divided about dairy. Some eat raw unpasteurized grass-fed dairy. Others eat cultured dairy (yogurt). Most who consume dairy, use full-fat dairy like creme or whole milk greek yogurt.". So very, very many ingredients are like this, making the paleo diet seemingly very difficult (if not impossible) to follow, mostly because nobody seems to know what the word "paleo" means.
[6] JP loves the food-related videos and has wonderful insights into how people view food and their diets: How to become a vegetarian, How to Become Gluten Intolerant, Genius Uses for Coconut Oil, If Meat Eaters Acted Like Vegans, and Vegetarianism: Fighting for the Cure.
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