This recipe has Protein as 99.6% (as a percentage of RDA).
You'll likely need to take this into account today to balance out your diet.
Nutrition Rating Details
Here are the percentages used to determine the nutritional rating for this recipe:
• Calcium: 3.9% of RDA
• Calories: 42.8% of RDA
• Carbs: 5.4% of RDA
• Fat (total lipid): 58.5% of RDA
• Fiber: 13.2% of RDA
• Fructose: 4.2% of RDA
• Protein: 99.6% of RDA
• Sodium: 37.5% of RDA
• Sugar: 19.2% of RDA
• Vitamin A (IU): 277% of RDA
• Vitamin B6: 106% of RDA
• Vitamin C: 47.1% of RDA
• Iron: 1.7% of RDA
• Magnesium: 38.2% of RDA
• Manganese: 8.7% of RDA
• Niacin: 156% of RDA
• Potassium: 47.0% of RDA
• Zinc: 66.8% of RDA
If any nutritional component is greater than 75% of RDA
(or any vitamin/mineral is greater than 600% of RDA),
the recipe gets a “Nutrition to Balance” rating.
Whether this matters for your diet depends mostly on what other foods you consume today.
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Place the chicken in a large stockpot. Cover with 2½ quarts of cold water and bring to a boil. Skim off scum that rises to the top. Simmer 10 minutes, skimming regularly.
Add the remaining ingredients to the pot and simmer gently for three hours, skimming as necessary.
Drain the stock into a colander set over a bowl. Allow the solids to drain before discarding them.
Strain stock again through a fine-mesh strainer. Transfer to storage containers and chill in the refrigerator over night.
The next day, scrape off any fat solidified at the top of the stock.
Freeze stock indefinitely or keep in the refrigerator for four days.
This recipe has the following nutrient totals:
Calories 856
Protein 112 g
Carbohydrates 15.0 g
Iron 0.32 mg
Fiber 3.71 g
Calcium 39.0 mg
(plus many more nutrients)
Sample Recipe Chart:
The sample chart shows the nutritional data that is typically shown for any given recipe.
The chart shows both nutrition totals as well as per-ingredient nutrition.