This recipe has Calories as 98.0% and Fat (total lipid) as 75.1% (as a percentage of RDA).
You'll likely need to take these into account today to balance out your diet.
Nutrition Rating Details
Here are the percentages used to determine the nutritional rating for this recipe:
• Calcium: 0.2% of RDA
• Calories: 98.0% of RDA
• Carbs: 22.1% of RDA
• Fat (total lipid): 75.1% of RDA
• Fiber: 14.6% of RDA
• Fructose: 0.1% of RDA
• Protein: 60.7% of RDA
• Sodium: 72.1% of RDA
• Sugar: 51.8% of RDA
• Vitamin A (IU): 23.5% of RDA
• Vitamin B6: 50.3% of RDA
• Vitamin C: 5.6% of RDA
• Iron: 0.4% of RDA
• Magnesium: 18.7% of RDA
• Manganese: 1.1% of RDA
• Niacin: 62.6% of RDA
• Potassium: 28.9% of RDA
• Zinc: 69.1% of RDA
If any nutritional component is greater than 75% of RDA
(or any vitamin/mineral is greater than 600% of RDA),
the recipe gets a “Nutrition to Balance” rating.
Whether this matters for your diet depends mostly on what other foods you consume today.
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Rinse pork roast and pat dry.
Pierce entire roast with a fork. Drizzle liquid smoke over roast and rub in on all sides. Sprinkle salt all over roast.
Place roast in a slow cooker and cook on low 8 to 10 hours or until the meat shreds easily with a fork.
Remove roast from slow cooker and place on cutting board.
Pour out all juices into a fat separator or a glass measuring cup. Shred meat with two forks and discard any extra fat.
Return meat to slow cooker. Skim fat off settled liquid and pour remaining juices back onto pork until moistened and flavored as desired.
Preheat the oven to 350 F.
Cut the rolls horizontally in half and place the bottom half on a baking sheet.
Top with the pork and add shredded cheese. Leave the top half off for now.
Sprinkle with desired amount of pepper and place in oven for 5 minutes to let the cheese warm and slightly melt.
Remove the baking sheet and sprinkle the green onions and lettuce over the pork and cheese and place the tops on.
Place back in the oven for 3-4 minutes until tops get warm and remove.
Slice the sliders and serve hot.
This recipe has the following nutrient totals:
Calories 1960
Protein 68.3 g
Carbohydrates 60.6 g
Iron 0.07 mg
Fiber 4.08 g
Calcium 2.47 mg
(plus many more nutrients)
Sample Recipe Chart:
The sample chart shows the nutritional data that is typically shown for any given recipe.
The chart shows both nutrition totals as well as per-ingredient nutrition.