This recipe has Calories as 105% and Sodium as 387% (as a percentage of RDA).
You'll likely need to take these into account today to balance out your diet.
Nutrition Rating Details
Here are the percentages used to determine the nutritional rating for this recipe:
• Calcium: 11.6% of RDA
• Calories: 105% of RDA
• Carbs: 33.9% of RDA
• Fat (total lipid): 26.9% of RDA
• Fiber: 21.2% of RDA
• Fructose: 2.6% of RDA
• Protein: 55.2% of RDA
• Sodium: 387% of RDA
• Sugar: 37.8% of RDA
• Vitamin A (IU): 217% of RDA
• Vitamin B6: 47.1% of RDA
• Vitamin C: 32.8% of RDA
• Iron: 28.0% of RDA
• Magnesium: 33.0% of RDA
• Manganese: 19.8% of RDA
• Niacin: 109% of RDA
• Potassium: 31.7% of RDA
• Zinc: 42.8% of RDA
If any nutritional component is greater than 75% of RDA
(or any vitamin/mineral is greater than 600% of RDA),
the recipe gets a “Nutrition to Balance” rating.
Whether this matters for your diet depends mostly on what other foods you consume today.
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Preparing the Pork Loin
Bring medium pot of water to boil and add pork.
Boil the pork on medium heat for about 15-25 minutes or until the pork is cooked. Prepare all other ingredients while pork loin is cooking. (See "Preparing Ingredients" below).
Remove from water, let cool and slice.
Pour 1 cup of soy sauce into a large ziplock bag and add sliced pork.
Let the marinade for a few minutes while you prepare the rest of the ingredients.
Preparing the French Bread
Turn the oven onto a high broil.
Cut each end off of the French Bread loaves and discard.
Cut each loaf in half and then cut each half lengthwise, careful not to cut all the way through.
Split the French roll just enough so you can open it like a book. If you like, pull out some of the bread from the top half to better accommodate the filling. Place all four pieces of bread onto a baking sheet and put into the broiler for 5 minutes or until toasted to desired crispness.
Preparing Ingredients
Toss julienned daikon and carrot with seasoned rice vinegar to coat well. Let sit until veggies get slightly limp, 15 to 20 minutes. Drain and set aside or refrigerate.
Mix the greek yogurt, hoisin sauce, and sriracha in a small bowl.
Slice the cucumber and jalapeños and set aside until ready to use. Remove the pork loin from the soy sauce and discard soy sauce.
Assembling the Sandwich
Spread the interior surfaces of the roll liberally with the greek yogurt mixture.
Place sliced pork, cucumber, picked daikon and carrots, jalapeños, and cilantro leaves in the roll. Cut in half to serve.
Make it Gluten Free!
A partially gluten-free variant of this recipe can be made to reduce the amount of gluten.
Just make the following substutions: hoisin sauce (gluten-free) for hoisin sauce and hoisin sauce (gluten-free) for hoisin sauce and gluten-free soy sauce for soy sauce (regular) and coconut aminos for soy sauce (regular).
Make it Wheat Free!
A partially wheat-free variant of this recipe can be made to reduce the amount of wheat.
Just make the following substutions: hoisin sauce (gluten-free) for hoisin sauce and hoisin sauce (gluten-free) for hoisin sauce and gluten-free soy sauce for soy sauce (regular) and coconut aminos for soy sauce (regular).
This recipe has the following nutrient totals:
Calories 2102
Protein 62.1 g
Carbohydrates 93.3 g
Iron 5.29 mg
Fiber 5.92 g
Calcium 116 mg
(plus many more nutrients)
Sample Recipe Chart:
The sample chart shows the nutritional data that is typically shown for any given recipe.
The chart shows both nutrition totals as well as per-ingredient nutrition.